Friday, September 1, 2023

Cycle Breakers

Hello and welcome back! 
Today I'd like to start a little differently, like I said earlier in one of my previous blogs things around here are going to be changing. Anyway I really wanted to get down to the nitty gritty details of life... my life in particular as we all know I would like to portray myself as a self-help guru, but even I fall short even I have bad days. I too am walking this uneven road we call life. I too have flaws and chemical imbalances. I'm nowhere near 'perfect'. 
I would like to thank you all, you've helped me grow and become. Mental Health is a uphill battle especially those who have to deal with their demons alone. I feel for you, not long ago I was you. I understand loniless, ilness the whole cha-bang because I've suffered through that's why we're called survivors because we have survived through circumstances some might not have, and others couldn't think of bearing the burden. 
Some of us are without family, without shelter or without food I feel for you and I want you to know it does get better, but you have to let go, seriously the more we hold on to life the more suffering we will indure. I have learned through my own suffering that with time and Faith (doesn't matter your higher power) all things are possible. Yes i know here I go again speaking like A the guru and not a person, sorry but take it from me and trust me on this one. 
Life is so mundane and we are all so stuck in this cycle of stress and anxiety that we forget to appriciate the small things like taking time in nature or cuddling up with your animal, we are so convinced that work, phone and dinner is all that life has for us. Break the cycle make art! write do whatever it is that gets your heart racing and your blood flowing becaue then you'll feel alive and know it too. Remembering that time for self is the best time of all and the most important time. 
We have to be cycle beakers. One step at a time one minute at a time. Admit to yourself that your only human and forgive yourself when you fall short as we all will do. Acccept change and fear as it will come. And most of all embrace the now while you have it and live in the present. 

"the more suffering that carves into your being the more joy you can contain" 

much love, 

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Your Brain on the Holidays. . .