Thursday, September 23, 2021


an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
"he is prey to irrational fears"

Hello again dear reader, and welcome if you're a first time viewer. Today's topic is fear, and I think we can all relate to this one. Whether it's something we are currently dealing with in our daily life or if it's something we have triumph over I would like to take this time to look over some facts about fear and a list that I have made to hopefully help some of my current readers who may be dealing with fear in their own lives; So read on, and let's learn about this strange mysterious occurance of the brain. 

 Fear and Where it Starts:
  Fear starts in the part of the brain called The Amygdala according to Smithsonian magazine a threat stimulus, such as the sight of a predator, triggers a fear response in the amygdala, which then activates areas involved in preparation for motor functions involved in flight or fight responses. 

How to Overcome Fear:
  Whatever is scaring you right now I have compiled a list of some things to help you cope with your day-to-day fears and worries. However-- this list is for people who are currently coping with everyday fears and/or phobias. If you have been diagnosed by a doctor with an anxiety-related condition please follow your doctor's procedures for coping or techniques. 

1.  Create A Day Just For You 
    I personally have 'self care Sunday' on my calendar whatever you need to do to find time out of the bustle, and busy week for a you day. Work on that. 

2.  Breathe 
   You've probably heard this one before, and you might even be tired of hearing it, but breathing is one of the most important tools to have in your coping toolbox! 

3.  Talk 
   Sharing about your fears can help take alot of the scariness and weight of the fear away. If you are in a situation where you feel like you can't talk to your partner, friend, or family member this is always a safe place for people to feel openly welcome to speak about whatever they're going through, and feel heard. Also there  are helplines that will talk to you one on one such as  --.  "BetterHelp | Professional Counseling With A Licensed Therapist"
You can also reach them 24 hours  Mon-Fri by phone:  866-467-0580 

4.  Get Adequate Rest
   Simple everyday things like a good night's sleep can make a world of difference when you're healing. So make sure you're catching them zzz's, and getting your beauty sleep. 

5.  Reward Yourself 
    Finally celebrate you! Give yourself a pat on the back for the work you put in, go on you deserve it! 

 I hope in reading this topic today, you're able to at least find one thing you can take away from this. Feel free to comment or reply, with any questions if you have any. I hope in writing this I may have helped someone. 

Abundant blessings.

Saturday, September 18, 2021


nounfluxplural nounfluxes
   the action or process of flowing or flowing out.  

Hello Dear Reader, and if you are returning welcome back. We are currently in September, and like September I am personally going through a time of my own flux. While I stop to take a moment this morning with my coffee to reflect on my own life, and how far I personally have come and how far I need to go I want to focus on the changing seasons that are happening within myself and around me right now. 
I have noticed I am not the only person going through changes, alot of my own family and friends have decided it is time in their own lives to make changes, and grow personally. I think seasons just like the ocean tides, or the phases of the moon also affect us. You see the leaves suddenly changing, and you decide maybe it's time you wanna make a change within. I mean I can't be the only one, right? 
 If you are going though a time of flux in your own life, dont fear it. Embrace it. 
We grow through what we go through! I'm here to tell you that as a person who is in their own state of flux it is okay to be scared, it is okay to not be okay, but feel it... Really feel it. 
 I promise that change is hard, but it is worth it. 

Keep fluxing.
Keep fighting. 

Abundant blessings. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

A Long Year

Here I find myself.. 24 mom of 3 cats, wife to an amazing loving wonderful husband.. and yet here I am barely able to get out of bed in the morning. The depression is heavy she rests on me weighing me down like a weighted blanket, but in this case a very unwanted weighted blanket. As I try to pull back the covers and open my eyes each morning the consuming thoughts of my friend anxiety then meets me with a hello. I slowly slip into overthinking everything until I become too overwhelmed to move then I succumb to grabbing the all too familiar blanket of depression and letting her weigh me back down. Another day lost in the abyss of my own dark lonely mind. 
  Why do I allow myself to go to these places you ask? Why do any of us. I've been told so many times "just snap out of it" only by people who have never understood the demons that claw at you deep in your soul. Where it's so gut wrenching you can't make a scream, all you can do is hold your breath, and hope tomorrow will hold a better day. And maybe, just maybe tomorrow will. I'm writing to you dear reader hoping that after this long, hard unbearable year I may be able to touch the lives of someone with my own words. 
  This life has been hard on me, and like me so many others out there have had trauma, struggles and they also deal with demons that make them feel alone. I'm here to create a safe place for you, for me, for us. 

Let's make this next year count together. 
Let's live a little more.
Laugh a little longer. 
Love a little harder. 
And be a lot more gentler on ourselves. 

Abundant Blessings 

Your Brain on the Holidays. . .