Saturday, September 18, 2021


nounfluxplural nounfluxes
   the action or process of flowing or flowing out.  

Hello Dear Reader, and if you are returning welcome back. We are currently in September, and like September I am personally going through a time of my own flux. While I stop to take a moment this morning with my coffee to reflect on my own life, and how far I personally have come and how far I need to go I want to focus on the changing seasons that are happening within myself and around me right now. 
I have noticed I am not the only person going through changes, alot of my own family and friends have decided it is time in their own lives to make changes, and grow personally. I think seasons just like the ocean tides, or the phases of the moon also affect us. You see the leaves suddenly changing, and you decide maybe it's time you wanna make a change within. I mean I can't be the only one, right? 
 If you are going though a time of flux in your own life, dont fear it. Embrace it. 
We grow through what we go through! I'm here to tell you that as a person who is in their own state of flux it is okay to be scared, it is okay to not be okay, but feel it... Really feel it. 
 I promise that change is hard, but it is worth it. 

Keep fluxing.
Keep fighting. 

Abundant blessings. 

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