Saturday, December 9, 2023

Seasonal Depression (SAD) signs and symptoms.

A mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year.
Seasonal affective disorder occurs in climates where there is less sunlight at certain times of the year 

Signs How can you tell if you have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 

…    How do you know if you have seasonal affective Disorder?    In most cases, seasonal affective disorder symptoms appear during late fall or early winter and go away during the sunnier days of spring and summer. Less commonly, people with the opposite pattern have symptoms that begin in spring or summer. In either case, symptoms may start out mild and become more severe as the season progresses  here are some of the signs and symptoms: 1.Feeling listless, sad or down most of the day, nearly  everyday. 2.Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. 3. Having low energy and feeling sluggish. 4. Having problems with sleeping too much. 5. Experiencing carbohydrate craving, overeating and weight gain. 6. Having difficulty concentrating. 7. Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty. 8. Having suicidal thoughts that last longer than a day at a time and are continuous with a plan.   When to seek Profesional Help   I know that seeking help can feel scary trust me, I do I personally have had a long road to walk with my own mental health, but just to let you in on a littlle secret seeing someone for help doesn't make you look weak or scared it actually shows strength and shows that you are more resilient then you even knew yourself, so if that's the scary part for you please know that you do have it in you and you are more then capable of seeing someone professionally licensed in the mental health field who will help guide you out of the woods and back into the person you're used to knowing, and of course loving! because I know it's hard to love yourself right now when you're this low and no one will make you do anything you're uncomfortable with  these people will work at your pace for your recovery and most of all they're really great people who most of the time have had their fare share of trauma and mental health to help guide them in helping you. So what I'm saying is it's never too late to start fresh maybe you've gained a few pounds, gotten a new shopping addiction, or even just something small as the store doesn't have what you needed in stock for your Christmas dinner whatever it is that's causing you stress make it a priority  this New Year to start different start anew! and remember to love yourself first before  we can love anyone we have to truly love ourselves and loving ourselves comes with taking care of our bodies and our mental states so go get a check up with your PCP make sure everythings working riht and if you need it, go talk with a professional licensed therapist who can help you greatly with everything going on from your day to day stuff to your much more personal stuff, join a support grup or start volunteering whatever your heart desires and your soul is leading you towards, please act on it! because as bogus as this sounds you really ONLY LIVE ONCE!!  so live this life to the fullest extent for me, for you for the future, for the universal strength that pulls us all together live my child live - you deserve it.     Now go give it a gooo! and remember you are loved and cherished and most of all this world needs you in it!!!! XO, A




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Your Brain on the Holidays. . .