Saturday, November 13, 2021


    Hello dear reader, and welcome back to my fellow returning readers. I know it has been some time since my last post, and I do apologize I have been recently dealing with some medical issues, however I'm doing a lot better now; and I'd just like to say thank you to all of the viewers who continued to check my page for updates!. Alright guys lets jump in to what I want to discuss today. The topic of diversity What does diversity mean to you? What makes us diverse, and how can we be more inclusive in our daily lives. I'll be delving into alot of textbook definitions, and giving you the low down on what many professional opinion say, however this is a community and feedback is so important within a community, so feel free to talk about you, your qualities that make you unique, and diverse !. And with that said let's get started. 

  1. the state of being diverse; variety.
    "there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
  2. the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

      Establishing security and a sense of belonging:
      In order for any individual to bring their best self forward a sense of security, and belonging must first be established.
Being comfortable within yourself and making connections with an organization or small group of people where you can open, and explore your talents without not only results in better mood, and creativity, but it's also a psylogical need. 

Maximize joy and connection > Minimize fear and isolation:

  The human brain is wired to react with fear, and distrust when someones believes their beliefs or opinions have been challenged;
and fear like we learned in one of my previous blogs can be a powerful motivator, and manipluator it causes people to narrow their prospective. Finding ways to take your challenges, and elevating the power of shared experiences and communication-- we can all create a greater potential for positive change.

Mindful Communications: listen more, talk carefully:

  Communication is the first of many aspects that we can all work on in our daily lives. Often we use our words inappropriately,
and in doing so our words can express wrong intentions or create misunderstandings. 
                                                        Here are some examples:

1. when addressing a group of individuals AVOID using gender specific words such as "ladies" "dudes" "men" "guys" 
appelations may turn out to be misplaced, cause misgendering and cut off group members. 

2.  LISTEN--DONT INTERRUPT.  DONT TALK OVER. Respect the time of the individual in front of you, holding eye 
contact and truly listening is a key factor in a good communcation style. 

3.  Use correct pronouns always ask which pronoun the individual you're getting to know prefers to be called. 
Asking is a sign of care for the individual you are getting to know, and a way to give them a SAFE space to feel comfortable
with their idenitity.

4. AVOID ASSERTIVE OR OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE.  Try to introduce your contribution to the conversation with "according to my experience" or "based on what I've read" and most important rule of all make sure not to lecture when you get involved in a
conversation to maintain the productivity for all individuals involved. 

5. AVOID weird facial expressions-- Making faces while interacting with others may, discourage or make the individual
uncomfortable. Try to remain neutral with your expressions while interacting with others. 

Challenge Stereotypes:

Diversity without inclusion is Tokenism - the risk of losing sight of the word "inclusion" in the acronym "D&I" proactively pursuing 
actions and attitudes that promote not only a culture, but also a sustainable modus operandi for all.
If diversity is a fact, Inclusion is an action. 

                                                  Here are some Question's we can all ask ourselves:

1. What are my expections of the other person?

2. Can I recogize stereotypical or unconciously biased aspects in these expections? 

3. What is the goal of the meeting, confrontation or conversation? 

4. What is a common interest that brings you together? 

  If you can start with these questions in mind to become more vulnerable, and aware of your own 
biasism and try to deconstruct it. In doing so, you will see that it will be easier to interact in a more conscious 
and inclusive way!.

                                                                    *****AVOID ASSUMPTIONS*****

   one of the most commonly made mistakes in day-to-day interactions is to make assumptions here are some examples: 

1. Avoid assuming the gender of the individual and/or group(s) you're speaking with. Try to always use gender 
inclusive language. 

2. Avoid assumptions about one person's identity based on accessories, famaliar relationships or social
economic backgrounds.

3. When meeting someone never assume they are able or not able to do something based on age, sex, gender,
disibility OR race!. 

     Stay curious, don't fear mistakes remember, every process is not immediate, but change and growth are worth 
it's weight in gold. The path to change is not always linear, especially when you're putting in the work remeber its okay 
be afraid to make mistakes, just  don't don't be afraid to accept feedback from trusted friends and supportive members of 
your life their feedback is also important on your journey towards healing, growing and becoming a more inclusive member of society. 

I hope today's blog has informed, moved you, and motivated you to ignite that passion inside that I know we all have.
Take good care of each other, and be kind to not only yourselves but to the ones around you. We never know 
another person's day-to-day fight, so just be nice.. 

---PS I will be editing this with a photo that my husband is working on, the topic inspired him to draw so check back 
for that update!--

Abundant Blessings 

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Your Brain on the Holidays. . .