Sunday, December 26, 2021

12 Universal Laws

  Hello dear readers, and welcome back today we are going to be talking about the 12 Universal Laws, and when you think the laws of the Universe, your mind may go straight to the Law of Attraction. However, it turns out that there is a whole network of interconnected spiritual laws that can impact every aspect of your life. Oh, even better, although these laws can be used to assist in Law of Attraction work, you don't to be working on any particular manifestation to benefit here. The Twelve Spiritual Laws of the Universe each teach you something unique about wellbeing, happiness, and success. When you develop a solid understanding of these laws then it becomes clearer to picture your own place in this world. Together we will explore all twelve of the laws. Plus, I will summarize every one of them to help you to understand how they influence you and how your awareness of them can lead to a positive change in this coming New Year, and the following years to come-- So let's jump in!. 

      1. The Law of Divine Oneness

Everything in our universe is interconnected. In other words, every choice, word, desire, and belief you have will also have an impact on the world, and on the people in your life. Sometimes this impact will be immediate and obvious, at other times, it may take a while to manifest, or you may never even discover that it occured. Try to think of yourself as part of everything. We are all one, and awareness of this makes us more powerful as well as empathetic.

        2. Law of Vibration

Every particle in the universe is in constant movement and constantly carries energy. This applies to enormous parts of the universe, like the planets and stars, oh, and it also applies to that chair underneath you or the table where your computer sits...
In addition, everything has it's own specific energy frequency. High energy particles are naturally attuned to other high energy particles, and the same is true for those that have low energy. If your goal this new year is to live a more poductive and full life, consider what you would need to do to heighten your energy frequencies... Youtube has tons of great free guided meditations, and apps like Calm and Headspace offer a great source for getting started. 

    3. Law of Correspondence

This law is directly related to the foundational law of Divine Oneness. The key idea here is that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and that prominent patterns can also be found repeating on a very small scale. Look for patterns in your own life and in your thinking, and notice how they repeat elsewhere in the world. As you do so, consider the kinds of pattern changes you might be able to make to your in your thinking and life in this upcoming New Year, and how those will create change on a larger scale. 

   4. Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction tells us that like attracts like. So, in order to have the things you desire in life, you have to work out how to vibrate on the same frequency as those things. The more general lesson here is that being positive, proactive and loving attracts more of the same into your life. Meanwhile, pessimism, fear and lethargy will lead you to generate more negative experiences in all aspects of life. By working to live more positively, even just for this moment while you're taking the time to read this today, you're already using the Law of Attraction to create a better more loving existence for yourself and everyone around you!.

   5. Law of Inspired Action

Law of Attraction practitioners regularly say that they wish they had known about the Law of Inspired Action at an earlier stage! these two laws are tightly bound together, and the Inspired Action law tells us that we must actively persue our goals. Many people think that visalizing a goal and developing a positive attitude towards it will be sufficient to exploit the Law of Attraction. However, you also have to take inspired steps that thing you want.

  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that everything around us is in a state of constant flux. You cant see all these changes because many of them exist at the cellular or atomic level, but they carry on regardless the reason that it's so important to be aware of this law is that it helps you see how you can trigger positive change. Specifically, keep in mind that high vibrations can trigger improvements in low vibrations 
.. So going to visit a high energy friend this coming year when you're feeling particularly low, may be just the thing to boost those energy levels. Or getting out and taking a stroll through nature can also be a good way to recharge.

  7. The Law of Cause and Effect 

One of the most straightforward laws of the universe, this law tells us that all actions have a corresponding reaction your spiritual life can impact the world around you, causing positive or negative reactions. Similarly your physical environments can impact your spirituality whether for good or ill. Ask yourself this coming year what types of relationships you see between the spiritual and the physical and how you might want to change them.

  8. The Law of Compensation
You WILL receive what you put. This law is also similar to the law of Attraction, but with a focus on the idea that compensation can come in many forms, for example: If you win a large amount of money then you might think you're getting a reward. However depending on how you have lived, your vast amount of wealth could lead to a worse life rather than a better one. Essentially, you reap what you sow. This law reminds you to be careful about how you treat others, and indeed Mother Earth. 

9. Law of Relativity

This law is all about the neutrality of things when seen in isolation. So, no particular person, experience, emotion, or action is evaluated as good or bad until you look at it in comparison with something else. For example: you may think you are poor perhaps that's because you have three wealthy aunts. By keeping this law in mind, you remain conscious of the fact that there are always multiple perspectives on anything that happens to you. Trying to slip into these alternate perspectives can make you more grateful, and can also show you where you can make improvements in your daily life in this upcoming year. 

  10. Law of Polarity

When thinking about this law, the most important thing to remember is that absolutely everything has an opposite and it's the very existence of these opposites that allows us to understand our life. Consequently when you go through something difficult, it will be this thing that helps you truly appreciate the good developments that are to come. By regularly reminding yourself of this, you can improve your emotional thinking, and your resilence during troubled times in this upcoming year. 

11. Law of Rhythm

Sometimes called the law of Perpetual Motion, the law of Rhythm is (unsuprisingly) focused on movement. In particular, it refers to the fact that all things come in cycles you can see this in nature e.g., in the seasons, and in the body's aging process. However, it equally applies to a person's life stages, and reflecting on this helps you to gain perspective. Where I am it's freezing , but we are hitting our final days of winter..Nothing is permanent so enjoy whatever whaether you have while you have it! remember that we are in constant flux and this too shall pass, so whichever cycle of your life you may be in right now it may be the very thing that prepares you for a properous change in this upcoming year, so hang tight, and don't give up on the universe or yourself. 

12. Law of Gender

Finally, the law of Gender has very little to with biological sex. Rather, it refers to the fact that there are two major types of energy. You can think of them as masculine and feminine. As yin and yang or as anima and animus. We all contain a certain amount of energy and must find a way to achieve a balance between both types if we are to live authentically and happily. Think about the role each type of energy appears to play in your life, and whether there is an excess or deficit of either. 

I hope you were able to take something from today's reading, if a healing word was all, well I did my job. This will be my final post until January, but come January I will be posting more frequently so check back in with me again next year! I wish you all peace, love and health for this upcoming new year, and always! take good care of yourselves and each other. 

 Words of Enlightenment
In the garden of life, 
gratitude is the nourishment 
we need to water the 
roots of our inner peace 
when we nurture it's growth
we envelop the Earth in 
a forest of love and light 
the Earth
The Sun
The Sky 
A hug from a friend 
A call from a loved one
A smile from a stranger 

Blessed Be 

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