Sunday, May 29, 2022

Introduction to New Blog


☙ I suppose you came here to read my story, but this is a story of not just mine alone. This is a story of all the people who live within me, who make up who I am, who are me. The tiny parts of self that split and into who I am today. Yes the answer is you will read a story however, this story is one that is not for the soft of heart this story is going to make you question your beliefs and identity while exploring the path through a mind altering hallway of hell. 

   Reading my story may not be as easy as picking up any old book and flipping through the pages, but I can promise you that this book will move you in a way that no other book can, will or has. This is a true story, my true story and to I've laid my heart right here on these papers for you to see, not to judge or to feel empathy - but for you to know that even through such terrible, terrible things we can triumph through the mud and just like the lotus grow in muddy waters. You have the strength we all do. It's about opening yourself up to universe to  receive that strength; but you have it. Sometimes we just have to go through some horrible things in life before we can open our souls up to the blessings of the universe and begin to receive the gifts that are meant for us. 

   So if you will, Please just take the time to read this story. The healing that awaits through the pages is just beyond your reach and once read; Stored in your knowledge forever. Take the time to learn more about yourself, others, empathy and growing through what you go through. It is never a bad time to start healing 'Self' and stop worrying about everything else.❧ 

Averi Snell ❦

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