Saturday, May 7, 2022

Latest Updates

Hello my wonderful readers and welcome [or] welcome back to AveriWithAWord. There have been some major movements in the works these last couple of weeks leading up to this post. We are officially on Instagram [averiwithaword] and we are now on YouTube [AveriWithAWord] which will be more of a podcast platform on which we will discuss issues just like we do here, except a little bit more in 'real time' 

Also I wanted to add, that I have started another blog, however this blog is fully dedicated to a book I am working on, on my life story this is a trauma story in which some viewers may have a hard time reading/digesting; and the content could very well traumatize and or re-traumatize individuals who have experienced the following: Sexual assault, Sex trafficking, Suicide attempts or ideation, Mental or emotional health issues like PTSD, DID ( dissociative identity disorder) or anxiety and stress disorders. However if you are currently healing, have gone through therapy or are going through therapy or have an interest in psychology this would be a great read for emotional healing, educational purposes, and overall furthering your own knowledge on these matters. 

With that being said my blog can be followed at:

Also I really hope to meet some of you guys via Instagram and YouTube I know it's been a long time coming, and I am truly excited for this movement forward in AveriWithAWord. 

Until next time, take good care of yourselves and each each other! Lots of love. 


Averi ❤⚘

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Your Brain on the Holidays. . .