Saturday, March 26, 2022

Addiction Recovery ~

    Hello dear readers and welcome, or welcome back to my blog to finish this month off with addictions I want to define what addiction itself is; focusing in on what this dysfunctional relationship between the body and the brain system that involves reward, motivation, and memory.  It's about the way your body craves a substance or behavior, especially if it causes a compulsive or obsessive pursuit of "reward" and lack of concern over consequences.

                     Someone In The Midst Of Addiction Will Often...  

-Be unable to stay away from substance or stop the addictive behavior
-Display a lack of self-control 
-Have an increased desire for the substance or behavior 
-Dismiss how their behavior may be causing problems 
-Have lack of empathy or rarely show emotions 
-Lack social skills or lack an emotional response 
   Overtime, the addictions can seriously interfere with your daily and interpersonal life. People experiencing addiction are also prone to cycles of relapse and remission; This means they may cycle between intense and mild use. Despite these cycles, addictions will typically worsen over time. They can lead to permanent health complications and serious consequences like bankruptcy. 
   That's why it's important for anyone who is experiencing addiction to seek help. Whether through your local doctors office or you can call 800-622-4357 for confidential and free treatment referral information, if you or someone you know has an addiction. This number is for The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They'll be able to provide more information, including guidance on prevention and mental and substance use disorders. 

                                                What Are The Types? 

   According to the U.K. charity action on addiction. 1 in 3 people that's ONE in every THREE individuals in this world who have an addiction of some kind. Addiction can come in the form of substance or behavior. 
   The most well-known and serious addiction is to drugs and alcohol. Nearly 1 in 10 Americans have an addiction to both. Of the people with a drug addiction, more than two-thirds also abuse alcohol.
                                  The most common drug addictions are as follows: 
-Nicotine, found in tobacco.
-THC, found in marijuana.
-opioid (narcotics), or pain relievers.

                  Substances or Behaviors That Can Trigger Addiction

   In 2014,, a website devoted to helping those with addiction, listed the top 10 types of addictions. Besides nicotine, drugs, and alcohol, other common addictions include:

-Coffee or caffeine
-Anger, as a coping strategy 

   Technology, sex and work addiction are not recognized as addictions by the American Psychiatric Association in their most recent edition of the diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
   Some habits or social behaviors look like addiction. But in the case of an addiction, a person will typically react negatively when they don't get their "reward". For example, someone addicted to coffee can experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms such as severe headaches and irritability, yes I can relate. 

                                     What Are The Signs?

   Most signs of addictions relate to a person's impaired ability to maintain self-control. This includes changes that are as follows: 
-Social, such as seeking out situations that encourage a substance or behavior.
-Behavioral, such as increased secrecy.
-Health related, such as insomnia or memory loss.
-Issues related to personality. 

   Someone with an addiction won't stop their behavior, even if they recognize the problems the addiction is causing. In some cases, they'll also display a lack of control or responsibility, by using more then intended.

Some behavior and emotional changes associated with addiction may include the following:
-Unrealistic or poor assessment of the pros and cons associated with using substances or behaviors 
-Blaming other factors or people for their problems 
-Increased levels of anxiety, depression, and sadness
-Increased sensitivity and more severe reactions to stress 
-Trouble identifying feelings 
-Trouble telling the difference between feelings and the physical sensations of one's emotions

                              What Causes Addiction?

   Addictive substances and behaviors and behaviors can create a pleasurable "high" that's physical and psychological. You'll typically use more of certain substances or engage in behaviors longer to achieve the same high again. Over time, the addiction becomes difficult to stop. 

                                                   The Brain 

   Some people may try a substance or behavior and never approach it again, while others become addicted. This is partially due to the brain's frontal lobes. The frontal lobe allows a person to delay feelings of reward or gratification. In addiction, the frontal lobe malfunctions and gratification is immediate. 
   Additional areas of the brain may also play a role in addiction. The anterior cingulate cortex and the nucleus accumbens, which is associated with pleasurable sensations, can increase a person's response when exposed to addictive substances and behaviors.
   Other possible causes of addiction include, but are not limited to; chemical imbalances in the brain and mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. These disorders can lead to coping strategies that become addictions.

                                               Early Exposure

   Experts believe that repeated and early exposure to addictive substances and behaviors play a significant role. Genetics also increase the likelihood of an addiction by about roughly 50 percent, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
   But just because addiction runs in the family does not necessarily mean a person will or must develop one.
   Environment and culture also play a role in how a person responds to a substance or behavior. A lack of disruption in a person's social support system can lead to substance or behavior addiction. Traumatic experiences that affect coping abilities can also lead to addictive behaviors.

                                        What Are the Stages?

   Addiction will often play out in stages. Your brain and body's reactions at early stages of addiction are different from reactions during the later stages. 
   The four stages of addiction are as follows: 
1. Experimentation: uses or engages out of curiosity.
2. Social or regular: uses or engages in social situations or for social reasons.
3. Problems or risk: uses or engages in an extreme way with disregard for consequences.
4. Dependency: uses or engages in a behavior on a daily basis, or several times per day, despite possible negative consequences.

                                    What Are the Complications?

   Addiction that's left untreated can lead to long-term consequences. These consequences can be: 
-Physical, such as heart disease, HIV/AIDS, and neurological damage
-Psychological and emotional, such as anxiety, stress, and depression
-Social, such as jail and damaged relationships
-Economic, such as bankruptcy and debt
   Different substances and behaviors have different effects on a person's health. Serious complications can cause health concerns or social situations to result in the end of a life.

                                    How do You/We Treat Addiction

   All types of addictions are treatable. The best plans are comprehensive, as addiction often affects many areas of life. Treatments will focus on helping you or the person you know stop seeking and engaging in their addiction. 
       Some common forms of therapies include: 
-Medication, for mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia
-Psychotherapy, including behavioral, talk, and group therapies 
-Medical services, to help treat serious complications of addiction, like withdrawal during detox
-Addiction case manager, to help coordinate and check ongoing treatment 
-Inpatient addiction treatment
-Self-help and support groups 
You can also visit your primary care doctor for an evaluation. The type of treatment a doctor recommends depends on the severity and stage of the addiction. With early stages of addiction, a doctor may recommend medication and therapy. Later stages, may benefit from inpatient addiction treatment in a controlled setting. 

                        Where Can You Get support For Addiction?

   Overcoming addiction is a long journey. Support can go a long way in making the recovery process more successful. Many organizations can help, depending on the type of addiction. 
These include:
*Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
*Cocaine Anonymous (CA)
*Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)
*Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
*Marijuana Anonymous (MA)
*Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
*Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)
*Faces and Voices of Recovery 
*National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse 
*National Institute on Drug Abuse 
*Smart Recovery
*Women for Sobriety
*Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America 
These organizations can help connect you with support groups, such as:
-Local community groups
-Online forums 
-Addiction information and experts 
-Treatment plans 

   A strong support system is important during recovery. Letting your friends, family and those closest to you know about your treatment plan can help you keep on track and avoid triggers.
  As I have said, but I will say one more time just because your knowing is your being so keep learning, keep growing and never end that pursuit of bettering yourself. Until next time - I want you guys to take good care of each other and especially yourselves. 

If you or someone you know has an addiction, call 800-622-4357 for confidential and free treatment referral information from SAMHSA. Seek emergency care by calling 911 or your local law enforcement  if necessary, especially if they've had or are having suicidal thoughts or actions. 


Averi 💫



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