Saturday, March 12, 2022

Alcoholism ~

Hello dear readers and welcome or welcome back to my blog. I hope everyone was able to get a chance to take a look at my last blog on biases honoring International Women's Day and it reminded you to take a moment to let a women in your life know she's special or even take some time out for yourself to do some self-care. I also hope there where some coping techniques and skills that we as a whole can all help take from, to help chip away the biases together. 

And with that being said, I would like to get back into the subject of where we left off: Addictions. And today I want to talk about the addiction of alcoholism. 




An addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency. 

Inability to control drinking due to both physical and emotional dependence on alcohol. 

very common more than 3 million US cases per year

Treatment can help, but this condition cannot be cured. 

According to statistics, alcoholism is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States; 17.6 million people or one in every 12 adults are diagnosed with alcoholism and millions of more individuals engage in risky behaviors such as binge drinking that can potentially lead to alcohol poisoning or death. Unfortunately, the individual who is abusing alcohol is not the only person negatively affected by this behavior. This behavior burdens family, friends, and even children. The mainstream media often does NOT shed light on the gravity of alcohol abuse and INSTEAD publicizes it as acceptable social behavior which can skew the definition of alcoholism. Although there is a fine line between having a drinking problem and having an alcohol addiction, both are unhealthy behaviors that result in difficulties in social relationships and emotional well-being, work or career difficulties, finances, family and other areas in an individual's life. 

Defining a 'Drinking Problem'

Having a "drinking problem" is different from having an alcohol addiction due to one main delineating factor, the ability to take a step back and quit. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH), excessive drinking, binge drinking, underage consumption, and women who drink during pregnancy. By gender, heavy drinking for men is defined as more than five drinks in one sitting and more than 15 drinks per week. For women, it is four drinks in one sitting and more than eight drinks in one week. These individuals may be classified as "almost alcoholic", anything beyond those 15 drinks a week for men and eight for women means you're bordering alcoholism. 

Knowing the Symptoms 

Alcoholism can be mild, moderate or severe, based on the number of symptoms you experience. 

*Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

*Wanting to cut down on how much you drink or making unsuccessful attempts to do so.

*Spending a lot of time drinking, getting alcohol, or recovering from alcohol use. 

*Feeling a strong craving or urge to drink alcohol.

*Failing to fulfil major obligations at work, school or home due to repeated alcohol use.

*Continuing to drink alcohol even though you know it's causing you physical, social or interpersonal problems.

*Giving up or reducing social and work activities and hobbies 

*Using alcohol in situations where it's not safe, such as when driving or swimming. 

*Developing a tolerance to alcohol so you need more to feel its effect or you have a reduced effect from the same amount. 

*Experiencing withdrawal symptoms - such as nausea, sweating and shaking - when you don't drink, or drinking to avoid these symptoms. 

Alcoholism can include periods of alcohol intoxication and symptoms of withdrawal.

*Alcohol intoxication results as the amount of alcohol in our bloodstream increases. The higher the blood alcohol concentration is, the more impaired you become. Alcohol intoxication causes behavior problems and mental changes. These may include inappropriate behavior, unstable moods, impaired judgement, slurred speech, impaired attention or memory, and poor coordination. You can also have periods called "blackouts", where you don't remember events. Very high blood alcohol levels can lead to coma or even death. 

*Alcohol Withdrawal can occur when alcohol use has been heavy or prolonged and is then stopped or greatly reduced. It can occur within several hours to four or five days later. Signs and symptoms include sweating, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, problems sleeping, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, restlessness and agitation, anxiety, and occasionally seizures. Symptoms can be severe enough to impair your ability to function at work or in school or in social situations. 

What is considered 1 Drink?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines one standard drink as any one of these: 

* 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of regular beer (about 5 percent alcohol)

*8 to 9 ounces (237 to 266 milliliters) of malt liquor (about 7 percent alcohol)

*5 ounces (148 milliliters) of unfortified wine (about 12 percent alcohol)

*1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof hard liquor (no harder) (about 40 percent alcohol) 

When to see a Doctor? 

If you feel that sometimes you drink too much alcohol, or your drinking is causing problems, or your family and friends are concerned about your drinking, talk to your doctor. Other ways to get help include talking with a mental health professional or seeking help from a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar type of self-help group, a good way to get get local support is to get in touch with your local Community Services Board in your area they will be able to help guide you towards help specifically tailored to your needs and often can get you support with a case manager who can help you along your journey towards recovery and success. 

Because denial is common, you may not  feel like you have a problem with drinking. You might might not recognize how much you drink or how many problems in your life are directly related to alcohol use. Listen to relatives, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help. Considering seeking help, because there is a pleather of it out there. 


Genetic, psychological, social and environmental factors can impact how drinking alcohol affects your body and behavior. Theories suggest that for certain people drinking has a different and stronger impact that can lead to Alcoholism. Overtime, Drinking too much alcohol may change the normal function of the areas of your brain associated with experience of pleasure, judgement, and the ability to exercise control over your behavior. This may result in craving alcohol to try to restore good feelings or reduce negative ones. 

Risk Factors 

Alcohol use may begin in the teens, but alcohol use disorder (Alcoholism) occurs more frequently in the 20's and 30's, though it can start at any age. 

*Steady drinking over time. Drinking too much on a regular basis for an extended period or binge drinking on a regular basis can lead to alcohol- related problems or alcoholism. 

*Starting at an early age. People who begin drinking - especially binge drinking - at an early age are at a higher risk of alcoholism. 

*Family history. The risk of alcoholism is higher for people who have a parent or other close relative who has a problems with alcohol. This may be influenced by genetic factors.

*Depression and other mental health problems. It's common for people with a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or bipolar to have problems with alcohol or other substances legal or illegal. 

*History of trauma. People with a history of emotional or other trauma are at an increased risk of alcoholism. 

*Having bariatric surgery. Some research studies indicate that having bariatric surgery may increase the risk developing alcoholism or recovering from alcoholism. 

*Social and cultural factors. Having friends or a close partner who drinks regularly could increase your risk of alcoholism. The glamourous way that drinking is sometimes portrayed in the media also may send the message that it's OK to drink too much. For young people, the influence of parents, peers and other role models can impact our children's risk greatly, so always take that into account when watching TV or choosing your friends. Your children are predisposed what you put on or put in their life is your responsibility. 

The Complications 

Alcohol depresses your central nervous system. In some people, the initial reaction may be stimulation. But as you continue to drink, you become sedated. Too much alcohol affects your speech, muscle coordination and vital centers of your brain. A heavy drinking binge may even cause a life threatening coma or death. This is a particular concern when you're taking certain medications that also depress the brains central nervous functions. 

Impact on your safety

Excessive drinking can reduce your judgement skills and lower inhibitions, leading to poor choices and dangerous situations or behaviors, including:

*Motor vehicle accidents and other types of accidental injury, such as drowning

*Relationship problems

*Poor performance at work 

*Increased likelihood of committing violent crimes or being the victim of a crime

*Legal problems or problems with employment or finances 

*Problems with other substance use 

*Engaging in risky, unprotected sex, or experiencing sexual abuse or date rape

*Increased risk of attempted or completed suicide

Impact on your health 

Drinking too much alcohol on a single occasion or over time can cause health problems, including:

*Liver disease, Heavy drinking can cause increased fat in the liver (hepatic steatosis), inflammation of the liver (alcoholic hepatitis), and over time, irreversible destruction and scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis). 

*Digestive problems. Heavy drinking can result in inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis), as well as stomach and esophageal ulcers. It can also interfere with absorption of B vitamins and other nutrients. Heavy drinking can damage your pancreas or lead to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

*Heart problems. Excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and increases your risk of an enlarged hear, heart failure or stroke. Even a single binge can cause serious damage to the heart arrhythmia called atrial fibrillation. 

*Diabetes complications. Alcohol interferes with the release of glucose from your liver and can increase the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This is dangerous if you have diabetes and are already taking insulin to lower your blood sugar level. 

*Sexual functions and menstruation issues. Excessive drinking can cause erectile dysfunction in men. In women, it can interrupt menstruation. 

*Eye problems. Over time, heavy drinking can cause involuntary rapid eye moment (nystagmus) as well as weakness and paralysis of your eye muscles due to a deficiency of vitamin B-1 (thiamin). A thiamin deficiency can also be associated with other brain damages and changes, such as PTSD and dementia and is irreversible, if not promptly treated. 

*Birth defects. Alcohol use during pregnancy may cause miscarriage. It may also cause fetal alcohol syndrome, resulting in giving birth to a child who has physical and developmental problems that last a lifetime. 

*Bone damage. Alcohol may interfere with the production of new bone. This bone loss can lead to thinning bones (osteoporosis) and an increased risk of fractures. Alcohol can also damage bone marrow, which makes blood cells. This can cause low platelet count, which may result in bruising and bleeding. 

*Neurological complications. Excessive drinking can affect your nervous system, causing numbness and pain in your hands and feet, disordered thinking, dementia, and short-term memory loss. 

*Weakened immune system. Excessive alcohol use can make it harder for your body to resist disease, increasing your risk of various illnesses, especially pneumonia. 

*Increased risk of cancer. Long-term, excessive alcohol use has been linked to a higher risk of many cancers, including mouth, throat, liver, esophagus, colon, and breast cancers. Even moderate drinking can increase the risk of these cancers. 

*Medication and alcohol interactions. Some medications interact with alcohol, increasing it's toxic effects. Drinking while taking these medications can either increase or decrease their effectiveness, making them dangerous. 


Early intervention can prevent alcohol-related problems in teens. If you have a teenager, be alert to the signs and symptoms that may indicate a problem with alcohol: 

*Loss of interest in activities and hobbies and in personal appearance 

*Red eyes, slurred speech, problems with coordination and memory lapses

*Difficulties or changes in relationships with friends, such as joining a new crowd 

*Declining grades and problems in school 

*Frequent mood changes and defensive behavior 

You can also prevent teenage alcohol use:

*Set a good example with your own alcohol use or have a dry household (no alcohol)

*Talk openly with your child, spend quality time together and become actively involved in your child's life.

*Let your child know what behavior you expect - and what the consequences will be if they do not follow the rules. 


The Message 

Alcohol use is the fourth leading cause of Preventable death in the United States (after smoking, high blood pressure, and obesity). According to a 2021 report from WHO, in 2019 the harmful use of alcohol resulted in about 3 million deaths or 5.3% of all deaths around the world, with most occurring among men. The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2019 were estimated at 249 billion, or $2.05 a drink. 

Where to get help

NIAAA - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 


Phone: 888-MY-NIAAA (888-69-64222)

Lifeline - National Suicide Prevention 

toll free 24/7 phone: 1-800-273-8255

If you or a loved is an crisis and experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings call 911 or your local emergency officials. 

I hope that this blog has been able to help someone today, whether they're in the middle of this addiction, recovering from or have a family dealing with the grips of this monster it's hard, there's a lot of hoping, praying and faith that goes into it, even for the most unbelieving. You have to trust not only yourself if you are the addict, but the addict if you are their partner and trust is the hardest thing to build and the easiest thing to break. While examining this post I hope you were able to take something away, even if this wasn't relatable it's good to keep in mind that our children are our to sculpt and the media is often wrong in what they portray to be right and fun. 

Until next time, you guys take good care of yourselves and each other. 



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